Flawn Seed Kits Micro Clover Eco-Friendly Seeding Kit

Flawn Seed Kits

UPC: 00850040219951
  • $29.99
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Simply open and shake to spread seed! Our eco-friendly package of Micro Clover includes seed + soil builders to help improve germination and root development!
  • Better For Your Family & The Environment -- Our specialty flowering lawn seed is kid and pet friendly. It attracts beneficial pollinators while reducing your property's carbon footprint!
  • Reduce Maintenance Costs -- Micro Clover is a nitrogen fixer that replaces lawn fertilizers and reduces the need to mow. Once your flowering lawn is established, it won't require watering, except in periods of extended drought.
  • Kit Contents – Our Flawn Seed Kit will give you everything you need to transform your grass lawn into a low maintenance micro clover lawn. You will receive Micro Clover + Compost + Soil Builders! Includes detailed installation instructions and maintenance tips.
  • What To Expect When Using Flawn Seed -- With regular watering, The Flawn seeds will germinate in 2-4 weeks, and plants will be small for the first couple of months. Watering regularly after seeding and through dry periods is critical for success.

Micro Clover leaves are about 1/4 the size of Dutch White Clover leaves and is a great option if you prefer to keep your lawn shorter at 3-3.5". It still fixes nitrogen into the soil, which reduces your fertilizer needs to none once it is established. It also reduces watering needs and reduces mowing needs. Mowing shorter at about 3.5" regularly will reduce the number of flowers produced as well as the number of pollinators visiting.

Seeding Information:
Micro Clover is easy to establish and can be seeded in spring, summer, or fall, or dormant seeded in late fall when the ground is frozen or over fresh snow on a calm day in winter. If seeding in spring, wait until ground thaws and soil temperatures are around 55 degrees (Late April to early May for upper mid-west states). Avoid seeding before hot and dry periods to ensure soil won't completely dry out during the germination period. Designed to be over-seeded into existing grass lawn areas. Increase seeding rate for bare soil areas.

How to seed your Flawn:

Step 1: Mow your lawn very short (.5-1"). It's usually your mower's lowest setting, and go over your lawn a couple of times to chop up and distribute the clippings. You want to be able to see the soil before you seed. Then lightly rake to loosen the soil. That's it! You're ready to seed!

Step 2: Open the inner bag and empty the seed mix into the carton then close and shake. Fold the carton to create a spout that makes spreading the seed a breeze. Shake the carton and wave your arm back and forth to cover about a six foot wide path as you walk.

Step 3: Water the lawn to soak the soil but not create any standing water or runoff that would wash the seeds away.

Maintaining a Flawn:

  • Mow at 2-3" for the first 1-2 years. Once all varieties are established, it is up to you how you keep your Flawn. Mowing higher and less often will promote more flowers and have a more wild look. Mowing shorter and more often will have a more traditional lawn look with little to no flowers.
  • Do not use pesticide weed or insect killers. Hand weed if necessary or desired.
  • White clover fixes atmospheric nitrogen into the ground, so fertilizer needs are minimal, if at all, once established. Applying an organic starter fertilizer is recommended, especially if seeding grass seed in addition to the Flawn Seed Kit.
  • If you are seeding a new lawn or renovating a bare soil area, we recommend using a blend of fine fescue seed at 2-4 lbs/1,000 sq. ft.

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